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- The Dothan Eaglei
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PAGE TWELVE THE DOTHAN EAGLE DOTHAN ALABAMA TUESDAY MARCH 19 1W ONI ONI Dial 792 5312 To Place Your gg amily Want Ad BUY or SWAP Unwonted Items BUY Wanted Items RENT It Quick HIRE Needed Workers CALL 792 5312 Today! TWO TOME 10 Home urn or Sale New used piano bargains 1306 Oates McCollum Music Co Like new 36" Clevelander gas range $75 Hl 2558 Rucker 17" TV $30 792 2025 New night stands were $2395 now $1195 City urniture Co 910 St Andrews Youth bed like new $25 TO2 4259 Used Maytag wringer washer 12 pound capacity Very good condi tion $45 792 7544 Odd beds single and double book case and panel regular Now $1895 City urniture Co 910 St Andrews We buy trade sell or rent new used furniture We carry our own accounts Bailey urn Phone 792 8121 608 West Selma Used portables table mod els consoles 10 models to choose from Sims TV Service 792 9150 New odd cest of drawers were $4995 now $2495 City urniture Co 910 St Andrews Couch and Chair to match good condition $40 792 8080 62 Coldspot air conditioner 18500 BTU $225 Phone 792 6189 Used gashing machines automat ic anct wringer type Rebuilt and guaranteed $3495 to $5995 We also repair all makes and models Sellers Appliance Service 607 Boulevard 794 5278 Ref $60 Stove $30 792 1612 Odd dressers 9 and 6 drawer were $8995 now $4995 City ur niture Co 910 St Andrews DID YOU KNOW That will not be under sold on Quality Carpets Tiles and Inlaid Linoleums Vinyls We guarantee that for dollar value we can save you mon ey Why not make us prove it? Call John Melton or Clarence Martin today at Phone 794 6711 Dennis The Menace Hey3oey rr aA Li i al 13 Rea! Estate or Sale acres Will sell all or any part Memphis Church Commu nity 4 miles arm Center 17 miles outside city limits 792 6709 We have lots to select from in almost any section of Do than Bracewell Home Plan ning Center 1520 Mont gomery Highway will furn ish plans and information on any type financing Visit us any time for complete details on building on our or one you might own BRACEWELL HOMES CORP of Kingsberry Phone 794 5670 13 Real Estate or Sale Or rent small 2 bdrm house vi cinity Wilson St School $30 dn $30 mo Will finance Total $3995 792 2711 day 792 8302 night Leh man Burdeshaw UNDER CONST brick 3 bed rooms kitchen family room 2 baths located 418 Rebecca and 803 Selma CHARLES PRITCHETT CO 507 oster 794 6523 RANK GAINES REALTY CO 109 St Andrews St 792 9122 Res 792 5979 7 room house between Dothan and Napier ield (Dale County) Only 5 years old Lot full acre deep Metal outbuilding 20 60 3 bedrooms and den or 4 bed rooms Pay only $550 down and approximately $44 per month 15 year Total price $5350 List your property with 12 Business Opportunity or sale or lease The Palm Res taurant at corner of Newton and Cherry Now doing good business Call 792 9554 illing station and dwelling Good location Good business Phelps Service Station New Brockton Ala 13 Real Estate or Sale DAN MORRIS REALTY CO 105 East Adams 792 4506 REALTOR 792 5575 7 room house on large lot 10 pec an trees In Webb Contact George Moring Dothan ATTENTION TRUCKERS Tarpaulins any size or weight made repaired or retreated Also riding equipment for horse lovers VARNUM'S Canvas Leather Co 792 5700 Highway 84 East Specialising In NEW RECOND BATTERIES Wholesale Retail Berry Helms 66 Serv Battery Works 407 Oates Dothan 792 722R EXPERT AUTO REPAIR OVERHAULING OUR SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed Dothan Motor Repair Quincy Simpler Mgr 794 5086 Extra spacious 3 bedroom brick veneer home 2 full bath kitchen den combination Total HA or VA price only $13300 See at 904 GLENWOOD STREET Nearing completion and open for inspection 5 beautiful brick ven eer homes in Cloverdale All have 1 baths HA and VA approved See in 700 and 800 block of lor ence Street Howard Granberry Home Builder 503 Owens 792 6906 OPEN 2015 SANDERS 3 bedrooms 1 baths brick ven eer built in GE appliances Birch paneling HA or VA approved Have to see to appreciate Lawrence armer 794 6484 AVAILABLE NOW: 3 bdrm brick IVz baths paneled kit den comb shady lot custom made draperies thruout $800 equity HA pay ments $8730 Near School 792 9134 In city limits on US 431 no 14 mile from Circle 10 acres of land Level with woods in back $1000 an acre 792 6898 3 bedrooms 2 baths large shaded lot 6 pecan trees Equity $500 payments $6137 629 No Merrick 774 8249 Ozark Several new brick homes in Northwestern section $13700 up All have or 2 ceramic tile baths Other homes in sev eral locations $7500 up SANDERS CONSTRUCTION CO 794 6411 Important Reminder HlilllllllillllllllNIIIllllllEllillllllll il BOB MILLER REALTOR 794 5982 Home 7924320 BETTER LIVING BEGINS WITHA NEW HOME ROM BLAUM'S Available now in Dothan! Eastern Section: 1207 Summit St 1202 Robbins St $6212 Southeast Section 700 Owens Street Southern Section: 717 South Alice St $7400 719 South Alice St $7549 Southwest Section: 1110 Agutha Street $7936 1107 Normandale St 1104 Normandale St $7549 1005 Martin St $6390 Western Section: 301 Redwood $35000 Homes built in all sections of the Wiregrass on your lot we furnish a lot Model home open on Montgomery Highway daily Sundays One 'til dark Prices shown are for HA prin cipal and interest after required down payment VA financing also available BLAUM'S A Division of Blaum Industries 1507 Montgomery Highway Dothan Ala Day Phone 792 1131 Night Phones 792 8079 792 6798 I Please Call 792 5312 and I i Cancel Your Person To Person amily Want Ad As I I Soon As You Get Results I i I Most Person To Person Ads get results I before the 6 day running time of an ad is completed When your ad has sold your I 1 items rented your room or accomplished 8 I its mission that's the time to getit out of the paper call and cancel That way other prospects won't be disappointed I and you won't be answering the phone or I door needlessly Thank you for your co 1 operation fi ALLSTATE MULERS i Worn? Muffler replace now Installed its to Chevy and to ord Similar 1 prices on other cars Allstates are often better than original mufflers PHONE SY 2 3101 13 Real Estate or Sale Dead Lakes waterfront cottage Also vacant lots Terms Browder Ask directions MoJo Station Wewahitchka 6934491 NEW HOMES Several 3 bdrm brick veneer homes in western section under const Paved street with trees All have 2 baths garage some are air cond HA or VA See these homes today BRACKINS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ph 792 8051 Res 792 8393 734 Oates St ATT: cottage on Lake Seminole sleeps 7 full bath Com furn Screen porch paneled thru out Tile floors beaut landscaped Cent heat year round enjoyment $4000 cash or terms Shown by ap pointment only 792 8284 aft 5 pm Large 6 rm house $200 dn $50 mo Total price $6200 312 Head land Ave 792 8966 792 9800 OR SALE Modem 3 bedroom homes avail able in the following locations WITH NO DOWN PAYMENTS and lowest possible monthly payments These homes have central or elec tric heat aluminum windows cop per tubing for plumbing vinyl tile and many other low maintenance features DOTHAN ALA 1206 airlane all hrick ceramic bath nice wooded lot paved streets $6598 monthly plus taxes and insurance 1302 airlane brick ceramic baths spruce paneled kitchen and den ENTERPRISE ALA 104 alcon Dr Asbestos siding with brick front corner lot $6122 month plus taxes and in surance EUAULA ALA 306 Nancy Ross Dr brick veneer ceramic bath electric heat $6182 mo puls taxes and ins COLUMBIA ALA 206 Springview Dr asbestos sid ing electric heat $5528 mo plus taxes and ins MIDLAND CIIY ALA 509 ourth St asbestos siding central heat $5380 mo plus taxes and ins DALEVILLE ALA 304 Plaza Dr all brick ceramic bath paneled kitchen and den area large lot on paved street $7133 mo plus taxes ins HEADLAND ALA 106 Murray St asbestos siding with brick front electric heat $5617 mo plus taxes ins Call Collect CHARLES WOOD Construction Company 7946621 Dothan 792 3456 Dothan or Julian Brannon 693 2905 Headland ONLY ONE We have one new home at 112 Lamont Circle 3 bedroom den 2 full baths with dressing tables sep dining very spacious living room garage patio front porch 100 air conditioned kit with built ins finished and ready for you to move in We will fi nance 90of sale price See you will agree that in a class by itself King Williams Realty Company 903 West Main Street 792 5103 Stancil King Res 792 2822 Milton Williams Res 792 3576 15 or Rent urnished Room gentleman Nicely furn $7 wk 792 9471 792 7889 Air conditioned apartment gentle man or lady with good habits 792 1376 Apt priv west sect $40 792 6874 Girls: furn room TV $8 week 213 Troy Phone 792 1628 2 bedrooms living room dining room kitchen bath Completely refinished Near school Only $5750 702 South Appletree Seen by appointment 794 6721 day 794 5689 night 15 or Rent urnished 3 room newly decorated private apartment Couple 802 St An drews 909 Main 2 bdrm apt close to shopping garage Ige yard $60 Speigner 792 6695 7924211 4 bedroom brick house completely furnished including automatic washer freezer air conditioner TV Located Daleville Ala Call Daleville 3252 for further infor mation Comfort rooms $7 wk 792 8786 2 bedroom downstairs apartment 400 St Andrews water and lights included 792 8273 16 or Rent Unfurnished 2 bdrm apt $25 mo 792 2297 302 Jeff St 3 bdrms elec stove ref furn Newly decorated $55 Speigner 792 6695 794 6490 White only 409 la Ave 5 rm house elec stove connections hot water $750 wk Speigner 794 6490 792 6695 3 room duplex apartment $25 518 Headland Avenue Nice small block house in back Store $35 Desire perma nent tenant See A Ludlum or Jess Ridley Nice 2 bdrm home near General Hospital $45 792 5890 792 1612 House 420 Bernard $35 794 6370 3 bdrm home extra Ige living rm fenced yard beaut lawn 1208 Southland $90 794 6467 3 bdrm house $50 water and lights Store Main phone 794 5738 1 bdrm apt 204 West Main Second floor $5250 Mo 5 rm apt 503 Applertee $30 5 rm apt 304 Savannah gas heat $2850 Her man Blumberg 792 4111 Duplex apts just like new Close to town 3 rms $35 4 rms $45 Each priv bath ent 792 7811 792 1303 Two houses one 5 room at 1500 Appletree St $35 per month and other house at 200 Ruth St with 4 rooms $25 per month Ph 792 2811 day or 792 8184 night 2 bdrm house $45 792 2433 3 rm apt with bath hot water Poyner Street $25 792 6765 3 bedroom house 207 West mont Also 2 bedroom apartment South Orange Ave 794 5527 792 7606 Sm apt LR kit bath 2 bdrms $35 1502 Burdeshaw 792 6001 2 bdrm unf duplex 818 South Oates $55 792 8394 792 8822 Duplex apartment 108 La fayette $30 792 8273 Clean modern 3 bdrm home good $65 792 6327 792 2955 Clean remodeled apts conv loc $3250 $3750 Phone 792 8424 MONTGOMERY WARD SELLS REBUILT ENGINES OUR NAME INSURES QUALITY ICONOMY RKLIABILTY SATISACTION I 4000 OUAR IE Jjj farts) AS LOW AS Akao INSTALLATION 1 ARRANMD fch NO MONEY DOWN NATIONAL WARRANTY MONTGOMERY WARD fr CO 114 Troy St Dothan 1st Choice Used Cars $695 sedan auto power white $695 series finish trans white '60 ENG ORD $595 Escort station wagon ex cellent tires clean '57 RAMBLER $395 Super 4 door 6 passenger station wagon 6 cyl radio heater excellent whitewall tires carrier rack me chanically good condition '57 PLYMOUTH $695 Savoy 4 door turquoise and white 8 radio automatic transmission excellent whitewall tires dealer installed air '53 PLYMOUTH $295 4 door blue radio heater standard transmission ex cellent tires good me chanical condition '57 ORD airlane 4 door 8 radio heater matic transmission steering excellent wall tires '56 PONTIAC 4 door sedan 80 new red and white heater automatic mission excellent wall tires clean one own er Robert Malone Motors Inc 817 5 Oates Dothan Phi 792 9217 16 or Rent Unfurnished 20 Help Wanted 21 Beauty Parlors 3 bdrm house 207 4th Ave $40 Wanted colored woman who Enroll Now! new glasses be Contact Radio Hospital wants to work must be able and ginning soon at Tn State Beau rm Jt nriv hath WOrk' A 20 t0 35' G00d 40 1 702 AriSi nf Pay for K001 worken ph Schulman 011 792' decorated Adults pref 311 2471 Washington $45 792 7811 792 1303 Dependable lady for nursemaid mat out for vou or Sale or Rent: 3 bedroom housekeeper Must be able to stay The "1REE $50 nerma house near 4 lane at Midland City at night if necessary Attractive tonrCR Sr by Helene Call Echo 795 2651 saiary Transportation provided nen Her Ihghnew by Helene 1304 ortner 3 bedrooms living Position Write giving fore Easler Beau room kitchen $65 A Ward qualifications age Mid character gh 9U South oster 792 1239 Ward Wilson uneral Home references to Box NRS Eagle Nice 2 bedrm priv apt upstairs Sarah Coventry Inc invites you 26 Travel to be a ashion Director Be sure to attend the 407 Washington 792 6535 sg jn yOur own jq0 experience TRAVEL SHOW 17 Business Pronertv necessary Write Sarah Coventry 0N EUR0PE 17 Business Property Dothani Ala wd March 20lh( 73Opm Business space 700 sq ft located Houston Hotel Ball Room (no chg) at 1510 East Main in Thornley's Waitress car hop wanted One building Call 792 1151 full time one part time $4 day Riderg tQ Minneapolis or vicinity Warehouse fireproof Railroad tansportation furnished Call March expcnses Ref siding Ample parking 211 South Bonnie Peterson before 12 4854 exchanged Call 792 1135 Alice 794 5027 or Slocomb Swcct Room 308 18 Miscellaneous or Rent Wanted experienced beauty op erator Beauty Shop ph 28 Wanted To Buy mr DaleviUe Junk Radiators bought daily tors washers dryers We buy Radiator service Dothan sell rent or trade us appliances ghort or(jer COok white male cnnrpn Davis Appliance 792 3221 start April lst Apply in person annail Cub Restaurant on Circle Max Stokes 792 4564 19 Lost ound Will pay cash for equity in 2 or Disappeared from home in Clay 21 Sales Help Wanted 3 bedroom home 792 6274 or 792 hatchee brown black and white Heed a job? Investigate the oppor 1 Beagle female 214 years old An tunity with our sales department Good used boat motor 35 60 hp swers to Reward James Electrolux Corp oster Do good trailer exc cond 794 3450 Kinman Rt 1 Daleville Qjan( or 702 Main Enterprise 1 Ss 'ta RewaS8' Salesman wanted' Must mar' 1 2 95 swers 10 uoiue newara ried dependablej furnish ref sola bed reuphoiterrf for 5 a erences Unlimited possibilities low Lost small gold watch initials Route already established Salary TenB In Dothan or Cottonwood and drawing account Knowledge nnun! Tuesday Liberal reward to finder of automobile accessories valu LONGS Ur HOLS 1 EK 1 Call collect Mrs Moseley Cotton able McDonald Battery Co Ge 511 wood 2481 neva Ala phone 684 2oll CALL THE EXPERT Septic Tank Service Specialized Service Rental Service SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION ALIGNMENT AND Moving? Anything anywhere Cleaning Repair Reasonable BRAKE SERVICE 7S2 9760 129 Rent a trailer or truck from CONCRETE WORKS Oates Robert Spann owner Auto Trailer Service Call SY 4 5992 906 Range 2500 Main SY 2 5510 Houston Mattress Company 118 Headland Avenue Ph SV 2 8422 TV Radio Appliance 8505 300 Montana St SY 4 5228 a ioV DLSSIy loor Sanding Co erful Dothan Eagle Classified Ad Tile Carpet will cover up to Dial SY 2 5312 today to get yours Get cash for your motor Sell 100 mile radius 792 8874 started inexpensive too Adv it with a Classified Ad Adv MADAM'S Trading Center Short Sleeve Short Sleeve Mens DRESS SPORT SEMI DRESS cuidtc SHIRTS PANTS SHI RTS A1 ykg Colorg Reg values to $795 $495 Value $398 Vaue 'r 3 MEN'S WORK PANTS DRESS 2RS trousers also Jl (Dy cron Wool) Values To Matching Short Sleeve $12195 WORK SHIRTS NJ oun 33 PRICE 4 VISIT OUR NEW SHOE DEPT OR SAVINGS OR THE WHOLE AMILY iB DRESSES LADIES' GIRLS' Shorts Knee Knockers vfcVKwui Slim Jims 5L4XJr Our TE price VALUES UP TO $795 $198 Lodi' Girt LiH Girl SPORTSWEAR Sports Wear Sets Pedal Pushers 2 $2751 Values to $995 SHORTS $100 $198 $598 SETS NOW 1 to Sizes 3 14 Headland Hi way Dothen Ala Ph 792 6521 ADAMS "Where You Get The Beet or Less" I 0 I EXPERT AUTO REPAIR OVERHAULING OUR SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed Dothan Motor Repair Quincy Simpler Mgr 794 5086.
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About The Dothan Eagle Archive
- Pages Available:
- 810,145
- Years Available:
- 1908-2024